Join Us on ParentSquare
Liberty Christian School uses ParentSquare for all school-to-home communications.
With ParentSquare, You’ll Be Able To:
- Receive all system, school, classroom, and group/team communication via email, text, or app
- View the school calendar and RSVP for events
- Access the parent directory, helpful links, photos, and files
- Sign up to volunteer or bring items when requested
- Receive important student documents securely
- Fill out forms and permission slips, make payments, schedule conferences
- And more!
ParentSquare will generate an account for each parent/guardian and student (7th-12th grades only) by using the contacts provided in FACTS. You will start receiving school communications automatically – the system defaults to text & email.
If you have not yet received an email inviting you to join us on ParentSquare, visit to register your account. By registering your account, you will have the option to customize your account settings and communication preferences.
Parent Square Feed
Posts from the district (all campus posts)
School Delay & Cancellation Alerts
All parents and guardians will be notified of delays, cancellations, early dismissals and other emergency situations via ParentSquare Alerts. Extended family and other community members who wish to receive delay/cancellation notifications can sign up for the LCS Community Group.
Parents/guardians, staff, and students do NOT need to sign up separately to receive these alerts.
Update Your Notification Preferences
In the desktop view, click on your name to access “My Account.” Select “Notification Settings” in the left panel to update your for email, text and app notifications preferences.
General Messages
- There are three options for message delivery for each modality (email, text, and app notifications): Instant, Digest, or Off.
- The Digest setting offers a summary of the day’s messages delivered at the end of the day, around 6–7 p.m. If a message is important or timely, the sender will override the digest setting to deliver the message instantly.
- The settings you choose for general announcements will NOT impact the delivery of important alerts.
Alerts (such as school delays and cancellations) are delivered to all users, regardless of your general message notification settings, as long as Alerts from LCS are turned on in your notification settings.
Keep Contact Information Up to Date
ParentSquare syncs with FACTS on a nightly basis. If you need to update your contact information in ParentSquare, please log into your FACTS Parent Portal to make the necessary changes.
Download the ParentSquare Mobile App [optional]

StudentSquare (LCS Students Only)
[Liberty Christian School 7th – 12th grade students only]
StudentSquare provides students the same tools ParentSquare provides for parents – two-way communications with teachers, coaches, and counselors in a safe and convenient platform.
Upon account activation, students will have access to:
- Posts – sent to the whole school, grade level, classes, teams, committees or clubs.
- Direct Messages – supporting one-to-one communication among students, teachers, coaches and counselors in a protected platform without sharing personal contact information.
- Alerts – for timely notices such as delays and cancellations.
- Additional features such as appointment sign-ups, calendar events/RSVPs, forms, directories, and more.
Like ParentSquare, StudentSquare can be accessed via a web browser or by using the StudentSquare mobile app (available for iOS and Android). And like parents, students can adjust their account preference to receive email, text, and/or app notifications, or turn on/off alerts. Communications through the StudentSquare/ParentSquare platform can be sent to students or students and their parents together.
StudentSquare will use school-issued email accounts and cell phone numbers if provided by parents in FACTS. Students may request to add a cell phone number to their StudentSquare account under “Edit Account.”
Scan to Download the StudentSquare Mobile App for Android or iOS
Liberty Christian students will be invited to register for StudentSquare via email before the start of the school year.
If you have not received an invitation, visit to activate your account.
ParentSquare Support
Help articles and customer support can be found by clicking the ? in the top right corner of the desktop version or “Help” under the menu of the mobile app.
Parent 101 Pre-Recorded Training Video