Have questions about Liberty Christian School? Find answers below to some frequently asked questions!
General questions
What are school hours?
- Elementary School (Preschool – Grade 6): 8:00 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.
- Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten half days run to 11:30
- Middle School and High School (Grades 7-12): 8:00 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.
Our offices are open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the school year, and Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during the summer.
What is the student to teacher ratio?
10:1 in Preschool
12:1 in Pre-K
16:1 in Kindergarten
20:1 on average in 1st-12th grades
In addition, we have teacher assistants that work with preschool – 6th grade.
Do you offer before or after school care?
You can drop off as early as 7:30 at Little Lions, Elementary, and Secondary.
We offer aftercare for preschool – 6th grade! After school care runs from 3:15 – 5:30. Per-Day cost is $10 for the first hour, and $15 if using over an hour. Every minute after 5:30 is $1/min.
We do not offer after school care for the secondary building at this time, students are to be picked up by 3:30pm when the office closes.
Do students have to wear a uniform?
The guiding principles of the school dress policy include the biblical concept of modesty and the concept of maintaining
an academic and Christ-like atmosphere. An atmosphere of Christian distinction and propriety is expected every day. The
building Principal has the final decision of appropriateness of attire.
The following are NOT permitted:
• Clothing that is ill fitting, sagging, too tight, too short
• Visible undergarments
• Clothing with words, images, or advertisements that are not aligned with a biblical worldview (allusions to drugs,
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, violence, sexually suggestive material, non-Christian religious symbolism, etc.)
• Tattoos with words, images, or advertisements that are not aligned with a biblical worldview (allusions to drugs,
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, violence, sexually suggestive material, non-Christian religious symbolism, etc.)
• Pants or shorts with writing across the seat, loungewear, pajamas, those in poor condition, or have holes/fraying
(showing skin) higher than a 7” inseam line on the legs
• Shirts which are sheer, low cut, show cleavage, form-fitting, have holes on the bodice, undershirts, tube tops,
spaghetti straps, or sleeveless tops with oversized arm holes
• Shirts that show the midriff during any movement, such as raising arms
• Septum piercing/bull ring
• Gauges
• Body piercing other than ears and nose (only minimal jewelry to be worn in the nose)
• Hats, bandanas, hoods, or kerchiefs (however these may be worn on privilege days for $1)
• Sunglasses
• Slippers and shoes with wheels
• Hair that is not neat and clean or is deemed distracting to the learning environment
General Guidelines:
Young Men:
HAIR: Ponytails/man buns are acceptable. Mustaches and beards are acceptable, but must be neatly
trimmed and groomed.
Young Ladies:
DRESSES, SKIRTS, SKORTS: Girls must wear leggings or shorts under skirts or dresses that do not
come to the knee. Dresses that have spaghetti straps must be worn with a shirt underneath or a blouse,
jacket, or sweater over the top. When leggings are worn, the top must be at least fingertip length.
Specific Guidelines for Little Lions Learning Center and Elementary School:
SHOES: Shoes must have a closed toe and a strap on the back. Shoes with wheels, flip-flops, sandals,
and slides are not permitted. Girls may wear dress sandals with an open toe on special program days.
Field Trips, Special Events, etc.
Students who are performing or leading in a public setting are expected to have an appearance appropriate for their position.
These standards apply to special assemblies, chapels, on- or off campus performances, recipients at award ceremonies, or
other events as determined by the faculty and/or administration.
On days such as Promotions, Grandparents’ Day, Pastors’ Chapel, Award Ceremonies, and other designated days, students
are expected to dress for the given occasion. In addition, young ladies are asked to wear dress pants, a skirt, or dress at the
appropriate length. Young men are to wear a collared shirt and/or tie with dress slacks and shoes.
On most field trips, regular school dress is appropriate. Teachers will note if any other type of dress is expected.
Dress Code Violation Consequences for Elementary and Secondary:
First Incident—a note or email will be sent to the parent
Second Incident—parent will be called to bring a change of clothes
Third Incident—parent will be called to bring a change of clothes and a detention will be assigned.
High School Banquet and Formal Events
An atmosphere of Christian distinction and propriety is expected at formal events. Appropriate wear for young
ladies would be either church type or evening wear. All dresses for school sponsored events must be pre-approved.
Shear dresses are not permitted. Bodices must be modest with no visible cleavage; no deep sweetheart necklines.
Dress backs must cover to the mid-back and be modest from all angles. Skirt lengths and/or vents (slits) must be
no higher than three inches above the knee. No flesh colored material may be across the waist, chest or back area.
Dress shoes, slacks (not jeans), dress shirt with tie and jacket (or similar style clothing) are appropriate wear for
young men.
Attendance at the Liberty Christian School Banquet is restricted to LCS students, their approved guests from
another high school, or LCS alumni. Any guest who is not a current Liberty student must be registered.
Registration requires a form be completed and signed by the parents and the principal of the guest’s school. A
photocopy of the guest’s driver’s license or student ID must be attached to the form.
When can I apply and do classes ever fill up?
We encourage you to begin the application process as early as possible to secure your spot and avoid a wait list situation. Liberty offers a rolling admission process, and accepts applications throughout the year as space is available.
How old does our child need to be to attend LCS?
- Preschool is available to students who turn 3 by August 1st.
- Prep-K is available to students who turn 4 by August 1st.
- Kindergarten is available to students who turn 5 by August 1st.
The August 1st cutoff is firm and is NOT evaluated on a student by student basis.
Do you offer bus service?
We do not offer bus or transportation services to and from school.
What about lunch?
How diverse is your school?
Admissions questions
When can I apply and do classes ever fill up?
LCS offers a rolling enrollment where families can apply and enroll anytime during the school year. If applying for an upcoming school year, you can fill out an inquiry form to get notified of open enrollment dates (usually early spring). We do fill up in many classes and the earlier you can register, the better the chances are of securing a spot in a classroom!
Can my student shadow?
What is your tuition?
You can refer to our tuition prices here.
How are your admission decisions made?
What if I need help with my application/enrollment packet?
♦ You can also watch the short video below showing the overview of completing the enrollment packet.
Financial Assistance questions
What assistance do you offer for tuition costs?
Liberty Christian currently offers the Indiana School Choice scholarships and additional assistance up to 30% for qualifying families.
Do you offer payment plans?
Do you offer a multi-student discount?
Yes! Please refer to our Tuition and Fees form to see discount amounts.
Why is my tuition higher than expected and doesn’t include any tuition assistance or scholarship deductions?
- Once enrollment is submitted you will receive notification that a financial agreement has been created. This agreement will initially only show the full price tuition without any deductions.
- School Choice Scholarship (Voucher) and/or financial assistance will be added to the agreement once a completed grant/aid application has been submitted and processed (this may take a couple weeks after grant/aid application has been submitted).
How do I apply for School Choice Scholarship (voucher) and/or Financial Assistance?
- Mark “yes” in the enrollment process that you expect to receive financial assistance (including School Choice Scholarship).
- Complete a FACTS grant/aid application (link comes in the “congrats” email after submitting your enrollment application).
- New families: click “create an account” – We recommend using the same username and password when creating your grant/aid login that you used for your enrollment login.
- Re-enrolling families: login as normal.
- Provide/upload the required supporting documents for your grant/aid application. (1040/W2)
- LCS staff will complete and submit the School Choice Scholarship application once all above items have been completed (DEADLINE for all items is September 1 st).
What is the difference between Tuition agreement and Incidental billing?
- Tuition agreement is the tuition amounts and associated payment schedule that was selected (monthly/semester/yearly).
- Please note you should receive an email notification when any changes or upcoming charges are due on your account-login to see details and timing.
- Incidental billing is any and all other bills outside of tuition (enrollment fees/athletic fees/IT charges/aftercare/etc.).
- Incidental charges are typically due 15 days or 30 days after being billed.
- Errors in billing and/or financial hardship? Contract business office at least 5 days before due date.
What control or access do I have in my financial account?
- This account is YOURS! (contact LCS’ business office if issues/concerns).
- We recommend logging into your account often to understand all billing, update credit cards/banking details, and correct any issues to avoid fees/NSF fees.
What happens if I withdraw a student during the year?
- Complete/Submit withdrawal form and meet with Principal/s.
- You are responsible for tuition payment for any quarter that your child attends 1+ days in that quarter.
- School Choice Scholarship will not cover the cost of any days in a quarter that you are financially responsible for, but the child was no longer attending the school.
- This could increase your total bill substantially!
Athletics questions
What sports do you offer?
We currently offer the following:
Middle School: archery, volleyball, soccer, cross country, basketball, softball, baseball, track & field
High School: archery, volleyball, soccer, cross country, basketball, cheer, softball, baseball, track & field
Is there a fee to play a sport?
Yes, there is a fee for all middle and high school sports – each sport is $50 per student athlete.
What do we need for my child to participate in sports?
Each student-athlete will need a current physical (after June of the current year), FinalForms signed by both the student and the parent, and the fee per sport must be paid.
Who do I contact with an athletic questions?
You can contact our Athletic Director, Jason Chappell, at jason.chappell@libertyonline.org
Can my student participate in any summer activities that may be offered?
Students must be enrolled at the start of any school activities in the summer (mainly basketball) and must have a current physical as well.
We hope this page helped to answer some of your questions!
We hope this page helped to answer some of your questions! If you have other questions, please email our admissions office for help!